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Robert's Agricultural System (SRA Systems), when installed in silos, warehouses and storage facilities, in the most diverse types of coverings and roofs, keeps the grains cool, whether in bags or in bulk, without the need to make any movements, guaranteeing their quality and preservation for long periods.

  • It preserves the storage of agricultural products for long periods;
  • It exhausts gases and dust;
  • It eliminates condensation;
  • It controls grain degradation;
  • It reduces the loss of quality of the grain;
  • It controls and improves the relative humidity of air in the interior of the silo or warehouse;
  • It does not require maintenance or operational controls.

  • Advantages of SRA Systems

    The use of SRA Systems for natural exhaustion and ventilation is indicated for the exhaustion of dust, gases and all remaining particulates in suspension in such areas as "Cleaning" and "Picking".

    Cereals that may have been stored with high percentages of humidity will tend to remain balanced, within their proper specific weight.

    It carries out the drying of grains, even after being stored, with percentages of humidity higher than those recommended or acquired after storage.

    It controls the cooling of grains, without requiring the participation of any person and without any costs for its operation.

    It does not have any movable pieces and does not require any maintenance or control.

    In regions with low humidity, where grains stored lose their specific weight, this can be avoided by using the SRA System and landscape treatment in the surroundings of the building.

    Most common problems in Storage

    Grains, due to the permanent friction between them and when stored in bags or in bulk, may generate in those places high temperatures, resulting in a total loss of grains in certain cereals.

    The heating of volumes of air in the interior of the silo occurs quickly, and due to its lower density, it remains beside the covering. At night or on cold days, the heated air beside the covering forms a consistent condensation.

    The humidity thus produced falls on the grains, rehydrating them, starting a new germination cycle, which ceases in a few hours, due to the lack of the nutrients required. From that moment on, their degradation begins.

    The hight temperature of the grains accelerates the decomposition process, with the release of explosive or toxic gases to the environment. This is the main cause of accidents inside silos and storage facilities.

    The release of these gases also attracts insects, birds and rodents.

    The principle of natural ventilation in silos and warehouses

    Grain heating forms differential poles of temperatures, internal/external. The coolest air, due to the principle of pressure difference, enters and circulates around the silo, up to the points of heating. The heat generated by the grains is the element that attracts the cool air from outside. The cool air (external) "pushes" the warmer air (internal) toward the places where the SRA System equipment is installed.

    With this movement, it carries out the exhaustion of heated air, gases and dust in suspension.

    This circulation of internal air is permanent, and it is "conducted and forced" up to the points of heating. This movement remains until the temperatures are balanced, resulting in the cooling of the grain.

    In this manner, the SRA System controls, for long periods, the levels of humidity and heat in the interior of the silos and warehouses, thus controling the major problem-causing factors in storage, which are also the main responsable for the losses of specific weight and germination.